Sketchnoting is the coolest invention in note-taking and studying ever! You can sketch your notes either while you are taking them or after you get home.

I like the after approach especially if you have a fast talking teacher or professor. Instead of reading all of your notes over and over or however you usually study for a test, try this.

1. Gather all your notes for the test you are taking. 
2. Gather any textbooks or other resources materials you may be tested upon. 
3. Grab markers, crayons, highlighters, pencils, pens or your favorite art supplies.
4. Using all of your supplies organize all of your notes in a way that makes sense to you.
a. Use color
b. containers and boxes
c. sizes and shapes
d. icons/pictures
e. different fonts

Below are some sketchnoting icons and examples. If you would like to see more icons, search "sketchnoting" on Google. There are TONS!

Sketchnoting TV Programs

Student Sketchnotes